Upstate New York seems to come to life twice a year: in the fall and in the spring. The Equinoxes treat New York well. Summer is nice no matter what, and the lush green scenery and new blooms are always an amazing sight as well, but nothing beats the fall foliage and the anticipation of spring after getting drowned in snow all winter.
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Wow, I've been busy since my last post, marking the start of this year! I've been so distracted by projects and papers in my classes, preparing for graduation, applying for jobs, and my fair share of Senioritis. As I'm finishing up assignments, I've also been working on my senior thesis show at SUNY New Paltz!
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Happy New Year, everyone! 2016 was such a whirlwind of a year, and I'm hoping for a smooth, and nearly-perfect 2017, hahah. I started this year off with some self-portraits that I thought I'd share. I rarely take photos of myself because I always think they come out so awkward...
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